Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Danielle and the Fairies..............

Danielle loved to read, she would read even after lights out. She kept a flashlight hidden so her Mummy would not find it because she knew she would be in trouble if she did. She also had to wait until her sisters fell asleep because they shared a room. Danielle was currently reading a book of Fairy Tales that Nanny had bought her for her birthday. Nanny loved Fairies herself and she had said they were real. Danielle didn't quite believe her but she wanted to very much. This night Danielle had been very tired and she fell asleep even before she finished chapter one. When she woke up it was still quite dark outside with just a hint of light somewhere off over the horizon. She wiggled herself out of the covers and slipped to the end of the bed. She peered out of the window. She moved aside the lace curtains and opened up the window to breath in the fresh Spring air, it was warm and would be a nice day. Maybe they would explore the apple orchard today. This was a new house and they had not yet had a chance for a good look around. She leaned out of the window and a gentle breeze blew in the curtains puffing them out behind her, she looked over her shoulder to be sure her sisters were still sleeping. She had seen some movement out there in the bushes, but it all looked calm and still. She saw a flicker of movement again, it was too early to be a bird. She turned her head to catch another movement off in the big tree that was full of blossoms. Nothing, then another flicker off in the orchard she just could not catch it except in her peripheral vision. She rubbed her eyes and strained to look again. Could it be? Really? Could it be Fairies? Her heart sped up and she strained even harder to see. Then just as she was about to give up, there by the swing set. She saw her, a tiny being no bigger than a Chickadee and then another even smaller. The sky was looking different, a slight shade of pink showed on the horizon. Danielle whispered "Pssssst hey there, can you see me?" The small being looked at her and slapped her hands to her mouth looking at the second one in horror. "Can you see us? Your'e not supposed to see us" she whispered. "Yes I can see you can you come over and talk to me?" Danielle said. The larger of the two started to flutter towards her but the other one grabbed her dress and tried to stop her. "No we can't we mustn't, we can't talk to her" The first fairy said "Well it's a bit late now isn't it?" and flew over hovering quite near the window sill but out of reach just in case. "What are you doing? "Danielle inquired, "my book says you have to paint everything is that true?" Well yes of course said the first fairy and the second chimed in, "well can't you see for yourself? what colour is everything now?" Danielle could see that everything outside was sort of grey, or black in spots. "Wow that's a lot of work " she exclaimed The fairies told her that normally there are a lot of them and could she see how they were now painting the sky on the horizon in shades of lavender and starting on the reds and they had to get back to work because Zippy the 2nd fairy had spilled their yellow paint. They were supposed to be painting the Daffodils but now had to make the patch of yellow somehow into Dandelions. That meant they had to use some of their Fairydust to do that and were going to be in trouble for wasting it. They were going to have to leave some of the Daffodils white but they thought they could brighten them up with a touch of orange in the middle. They had some of that left over. What's your name asked Danielle of the first fairy. "Oh, my name is Fleur and that is zippy. if she didn't flap around so fast she would not spill the paint" Danielle said she was so thrilled to meet them and hoped she would see them again. "Not if we can help it" said Zippy in a rather peevish tone " We will be in so much trouble if the Queen Fairy finds out so don't go telling anyone" Danielle assured them she would not. They flew off like little Butterfly and disappeared. Danielle was so thrilled, she could not wait to tell her sisters, she knew they would never believe her and she remembered she had promised not to tell anyway. Danielle, Danielle wake up her Mummy was calling her to get ready for school. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, still half asleep she went downstairs and slid into her seat to eat her breakfast of a hard boiled egg and soldiers. Daddy was rushing around as usual giving everyone a kiss and grabbing his lunch bag and a mug of tea. Danielle you look as though you are off with the Fairies this morning he laughed. Danielle smiled a knowing smile. Daddy gave Mummmy a hug and looking out the kitchen window declared that when he got home he would have to do something about that patch of Dandelions over by the swing set. Danielle rushed to the window and laughed out loud when she saw that brilliant patch of yellow...................

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